Bike cinema in Veliko Tarnovo schools

In the last weeks of the last month, shortly before the COVID-19 lockdown was imposed for high schools in Bulgaria, the enrgy teams from the schools in Veliko Tarnovo municipality invited us for several bike cinema screenings. The energy teams and their schools are part of the BEACON project of the European climate initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment.

In the Maths and Science Highschool “Vasil Drumev”, the first screening attracted the attention of the Director of the Regional office of the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Rozaliya Licheva, and the Director of the “Education, youth activities and sport” department of the municipal administration, Mrs. Penka Ignatova, who were very impressed by the enthusiasm of the students. Most importantly, the short movies that were screened, have been “produced” by the energy team under Mrs. Galina Kirova during the distance learning last spring.

The high school required three screenings, so that all willing students can be able to take part while keeping the requirement to not mix students from different classes.

The school headmaster Mr. Gushev greeted the energy team for their work and the performance that they have prepared in two languages – Bulgarian and English.

The same level of enthusiasm showed the younger students from “Petko R. Slaveikov” school, and after the screening the energy team placed the sticker with energy saving rules in a visible place in the school entry hall.

The students in the beautiful town of Kilifarevo, from the “Neofit Rilski” school barely waited out the short rain storm, to be able to get on the bikes and watch the short movies about the consequences of the climate change. Afterwards they too put the sticker with energy saving rules next to the school entrance.

The next candidates for bike cinema would have to wait until spring and improvement of the epidemical situation, as it seems. We wish them all good health and look forward to our future meetings.

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