At its meeting on 30 June 2017, the Management Board (MB) of the National Trust Ecofund adopted several decisions related to the implementation of the Fund’s current programs.
Eight municipal projects have been approved for the purchase of a total of 12 electric vehicles. A new call for this scheme will be published and projects will be accepted by 2nd of October 2017. The list of eligible types of electric vehicles has also been extended.
Within the framework of the adopted budget and priorities for 2017 regarding the pilot implementation of combined funding schemes, the Board approved financing of up to 25% but not more than 800 000 BGN for the Gabrovo Municipality project to improve the energy efficiency of street lighting. The project will be executed with a guaranteed performance contract. Under this scheme, the NTEF works in partnership with a technical assistance team to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with which a Cooperation Agreement is due to be signed.
Thirteen energy efficiency improvement projects for buildings were also approved. They were already invited to submit forms prior to the suspension decision for such projects. All of them will be called for an ex-ante control after the new program rules have been adopted and the necessary financial resources provided.
The Board also endorsed the final reports of five completed Climate Investment Program projects, which were independently audited.
Discussions on the new rules for financing Climate Investment Program projects are on the go to improve program efficiency.