Call for projects, through a competitive selection for funding under Subprogram “Energy Efficiency of Municipal Schools and Kindergartens” (EEMSK).

With a Management Board’s decision of 23.02.2023 in compliance with art.66 and art.68 of the Environmental Protection Act of the Republic of Bulgaria, art. 57 of the Climate Change Mitigation Act and in connection with the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement for Sale of Annual Emissions Allocations (AEAs) between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as with Council of Ministers’ Decision No 814/21.10.2022, the National Trust EcoFund (NTEF) is opening a Call for projects, through a competitive selection for funding under Subprogram “Energy Efficiency of Municipal Schools and Kindergartens” (EEMSK).

The call for projects through a competitive selection has an established application deadline – 28.02.2023 until 5 p.m. on 30.06.2023.

The grant under the Call is provided to finance energy efficiency measures in municipal schools and kindergartens. The total grant amount for all approved projects is BGN 6,300,000.00.

The support intensity per project for financing energy efficiency measures in municipal schools and kindergartens is up to 70% of the total value of the investment costs for energy saving measures (ESM), but not more than BGN 420,000.

The completed Application Forms, together with their accompanying documents, shall be submitted in the order and manner laid down in the Project Financing Rules under Subprogram EEMSK.

The main objectives and principles of operation of the Subprogram EEMSK are:

  • Targeted spending of funds for energy efficiency and energy saving measures in municipal schools and kindergartens;
  • Provision of grants to finance a part  of the investment in projects leading directly or indirectly to a reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions, including achievement of savings from all of the approved projects, amounting to 1170 tons CO2/year (or 35 100 tons over the 30-year life cycle of all of the approved projects);
  • Grants to finance a part of the investment in projects related to the implementation of a package of energy-saving measures leading to the achievement of the minimum or the higher energy consumption class as defined by the law for the relevant building type.
  • Prioritization of projects, which within the selected package of energy efficiency measures also take into consideration the thermal efficiency coefficient in the heat recovery of exhaust air (heat recovery efficiency).

More detailed information on the project parameters, application stages, project evaluation and implementation are included in the Rules for project financing under Subprogram “Energy Efficiency of Municipal Schools and Kindergartens” (EEMSK) and in the Annexes to them.

The applicants may ask additional questions and request clarifications in connection with the Rules for project financing within 10 working days before the final deadline for submission of the Application Forms. Additional questions may be asked only via e-mail: The clarifications regarding the Rules for project financing shall be provided within 5 working days and published on the official NTEF website and shall be obligatory for all applicants.