Teachers from “Neofit Rislki” and “Hristo Maksimov” schools in Samokov municipality as well as teachers from 56 “Konstantin Irechek” and 79 “Indira Gandi”schools from Liulin district, Sofia municipality, along with representatives of the two municipalities, took part in a study tour to Berlin as part of the project – “Climate protection trough energy efficiency – stimulating energy savings in Bulgarian and Romanian schools”. The participants in the study tour had the opportunity to get acquainted with the theoretical side of climate change and energy efficiency and to visit a school in Berlin where they observed the direct involvement of students in the process of energy saving.
The project is implemented in partnership between NTEF, the German Independent Institute for Environmental Issues UfU and the Romanian organization Environ with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). The project’s goal is to increase the knowledge and awareness among students about energy efficiency and to stimulate them to save energy in the schools.