Final Conference Students Save Energy in Their Schools

On 28 of March from 10.30 to 15.30 at the Park Hotel Moscow in Sofia, the National Trust Eco Fund will host a conference “Students Save Energy at School” within a project funded by the The Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB) of the Republic of Germany. The purpose of the conference is to analyze the achievements of this project and to outline the prospects for the next climate and energy education initiatives in Bulgarian schools.

The conference will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Ministry of Education and Science, the Federal Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Germany, the Embassy of the Republic of Germany in Bulgaria, the project partners from Germany and Romania, mayors of municipalities, directors, teachers and students participating in the project, as well as university lecturers and the National Center for Improving the Qualification of Pedagogical Specialists at the Ministry of Education and Science.