On the 29th of September 2020, the National Trust Ecofund hosted a digital working meeting of the Triple A project stakeholders. The Triple A project is implemented by a consortium of eight European countries under the Horizon 2020 program.

The goal of the meeting was to introduce the innovative assessment model for energy efficiency projects to the stakeholders. The assessment through the model would provide them access to financing.  

Among the participants where representatives of three Bulgarian ministries, of the Agency for sustainable energy development, several specialised funds in Bulgaria, as well as project owner or project developer organisations. Full list of participants (link).

After the presentation of the project, a short discussion was held about next steps in collaboration with the stakeholders. Presentation (link).

The goal of the Triple A project is to find the crossing points between the main participants (project owners and financing institutions) on the Energy efficiency market and to identify the so-called “Triple-A” projects – in a way that both sides are convinced in the investment;s potential to reach the planned goals.  For the owners – realisation of energy efficiency projects, financed under favourable (acceptable) conditions; for the financing institutions – sustainable return and benefit from the invested resources.

The project team is working on a web-based platform for assessment based on pre-prepared risk analysis of the projects. After feedback from the stakeholders in the eight countries, it will be tested and put into operation. A data base with projects (between 5-10 projects for each participating country) will be created, and for each project a file will be prepared. The best financial instruments will be identified for each of those projects.

The leading project partner is the Technical University of Athens. The other partners are banks, universities, agencies and consultancy companies from Greece, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, the Czech republic, Lithuania, Italy and Bulgaria.