NDEF has started a new project VISIONS 2045 with partners from Germany, Poland and Slovenia, within the framework of the German Federal Government’s European Climate Initiative (EUKI).
The aim of the project is to support schools on their path towards climate neutrality. The idea is that they become agents of change, create the models for reducing the carbon footprint and engage to achieve local targets in collaboration with local authorities and other stakeholders.
As an important source of CO2 emissions in municipalities, schools have a special role in this respect. They are a large energy consumer, but they are also the place where the next generations grow and educate. In order to take on their role as pioneers in the effort to reduce the carbon footprint, participating schools will receive some equipment and participate in training and workshops, teachers and staff from the schools will participate in a study visit to Germany, hold their own creative Vision workshops in which they will create their own action plans. And NDEF will support the implementation of some of the activities in these plans. Schools will have the opportunity to assess and monitor their carbon footprint through a specially designed platform.
Two municipalities with two schools each will be selected on a competitive basis to participate in the project.