New Call for Proposals to Encourage the Use of Electric Vehicles

On 19 July 2017, at 13.30 in room 103 of the Ministry of Environment and Waters the launch of the next call for projects to promote the use of electric vehicles was announced. The scheme is managed by the National Trust EcoFund and all the necessary application documents are published and can be found in the Climate Investment program section.

The new call is once more aimed at municipal and state institutions, with the list of electric vehicles that are eligible for financing. The focus of this call is on the vehicles that municipalities can use for their communal activities – cleaning, maintenance of parks, social patronage, inspections, provision of inland local public transport in small settlements with little passenger flows, etc.

In addition to the eligible in the previous invitations medium-sized M1 and N1 electric vehicles with a subsidy of BGN 20 000, the small L7e with a subsidy of 15 000 BGN and the minibuses with a subsidy of 40 000 BGN, the new entries are of class M1 and N1 (6+ 1 and 7+ 1 place) with subsidy of 30 000 BGN, as well as up to 3 000 BGN subsidy for purchase of different types of additional equipment for cleaning, cargo transportation, watering etc. For the small L7e, the subsidy for the category was increased from 15,000 to 20,000 leva.

The deadline for applications for new call is October 2, 2017.