Participation in webinar
NTEF representatives took part in the Conference of the municipal energy management network EcoEnergy, Climate and energy: Strategic framework, financial mechanisms and technical support for municipalities, held on 29.04.2020.
Through the NTEF presentation, over 75 participants got to know two of the projects:
- Municipal energy management systems in partnership with EnEffect and the support of European climate initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal ministry of Environment
- Triple A project (Assess, Agree, Assign) on Horizon 2020 Program (12 partners from 10 countries, September 2019 – August 2022)
NTEF starts a new project in municipalities in partnership with EnEffect
The new project (Municipal energy management systems supporting sustainable financing of local climate actions – MEMS) has as goal to develop a model for municipal energz management in Bulgaria, which should server as ground for development and implementation of a new tool for financing energz efficiency projects, supporting local authorities.
In many EU countries such systems are a settled practice, but systematic energy management is practically nonexistent in Bulgarian municipalities. The MEMS project is financed by the European climate initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear safety. Partners for the project in Bulgaria are EnEffect and the National trust ecofund.
As institution, specialized in financing municipal energy efficiency projects, NTEF is extremely interested in using the resources available for improving the impact of its investments on the environment and intends to encourage the implementation of the new model and tools for energy management, offering a scheme for specialized financing, requiring strict monitoring of the supported projects’ results.