The climate change adaptation activities have started in Plovdiv

On “Maritsa Blvd. – South”, in close proximity to Gerdzhika Bridge in Plovdiv, the implementation of the “Rainwater drainage of impounded critical sections of the road infrastructure, resulting from intense rainfalls, through an ecologically complex solution”, implemented by the Municipality of Plovdiv” has started under project “Implementation of innovative measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation in municipalities in Bulgaria”, involving seven other Bulgarian municipalities and the National Trust Eco Fund (NTEF) as a lead partner.

The pilot investment project of Plovdiv Municipality represents rainwater drainage of impounded critical sections of the road infrastructure, resulting from intense rainfalls, through an ecologically complex solution. The drainage activity is expressed in the construction of rainwater dischargers and rainwater diverting into Maritsa River at two critical locations through the construction of a rainwater collection facility, from which the adjacent green area to be irrigated.

Thus, the citizens of Plovdiv will be able to move without impediments on the street along the Maritsa River, even during heavy rain, and the water will be collected and used to maintain the adjacent green areas during hot and dry days.

To monitor the effectiveness of the ecological solution, rainwater level sensors will be installed. The data will be entered into a database, for which specially purchased hardware and developed software will be used.

The project “Implementation of innovative measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation in municipalities in Bulgaria” is financed within the framework of the Environment Protection and Climate Change Program of the European Economic Area (EEA) and is contributing to the improvement of the opportunities of the local municipalities to reduce the harmful emissions and accomplish climate change adaptation.